A downloadable game

This is a riddle:

In former years our united community overcame massive meltdown. English nations transferred horrible English Raidwolves, English Bomberbears, English Loominglions, overseas, with terrible, horrendous expectations. We overcame raids, death, humiliation, unimaginable massive, mighty   unexpected   suffering. And no doubt, years of unreal ruining. Now all members emerge on neverseenbefore territories. How English leaders expected abhorrent destruction, English Raidwolves, Bomberbears... our army raided desperately, yelling our undisputable rights, screaming chivalrously our rights: Evil is natural, come raid, English airheads! So England succumbed by year 1 0 0 0. Perfect overall irony. Nothing to say.

We often look too close or too far, and don't see the trees because of the forest.
Whereas maybe we should only look at the first leaf...
(P.S.: this tip does not work for scores over 40000)


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Hummus, "never gonna skunk"

(3 edits)

What have you done??? You actually attempted to end us all! Actually I cannot make it over 40000, otherwise the real world would end.
So sorry, this works only for below 40000.

well done for reaaching the max score though!

Thanks alot, would be fun to allow higher scores again later on, (also i really like the name absorbius over the one it had for a few days, even if its memey its easier to say and to remember


Well yeah, but I want a lot of others to get r...   uh    to get close to the max score for fun! :)

Yes, I got so used to Absorbius too, and it's just so much more epic for the meme, especially since it's hard to start understanding the game!
I'll leave it like that, I like it much more too.

(saying here cuz idk if its intended and just ultra secret) pressing S in the game sets your hit points to 20

(3 edits)

Oh dang! I added that just to test out having higher maximum life and forgot to remove it! Thank you     for telling me!  Your score just grew by 340 points. No idea how that happened!

well look at my new score :>

humus ("Skunky maybe final for now") gotta do a bit of absorbin

(1 edit)

your hummus was absorbed